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Jan Bernstein

LA VILLA STUDIO visited Jan Bernstein in his space in Berlin. There are milling and drilling machines in Jan`s Studio and it looks more like a mechanics workshop rather thean a studio of an artist. However Jan seems to be familiar with all this machines showing off with his skills by restoing and restarting vintage mechanics by his own, making them usefull for this creative process.


Jan studied industrial dewsign before he started his carrier in fine arts. His artistic practice focuses on a combination of construction and creative work. Jan`s kinetic art works are chracterized by high precession and strong craftmanship and are at the same time reflecting poetic topics like transience and eternity.


Till 2016 Jan was part of the artistic collective Quandrature, In 2019 Jan became the winner of Kahnweiler Award, his works were on view at the Museum of Modern Art in Istambul and Museum of Contemporary Art in Perm.

Explore Jan`s work in the  LA VILLA STUDIO collection.

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